Thursday, May 04, 2006

E.Y. Mullins on the Church

“It is easily seen that they reversed the principle of church organization. That principle was no longer inward, but outward. The temporal and political environment imposed its laws upon a spiritual body. Thus, the church ceased to be an organism and became a mechanism. It was a contrivance for achieving temporal ends rather than a spiritual body adapted to the ends of a life-giving Spirit. Hitherto the church had been a tree of life, full of sap and power and yielding abundant fruit for mankind. Now the tree was cut down and fashioned into a battering ram for warlike purposes. Battering rams are useful in their time and for the purposes for which they are built, but they have no roots and bear no fruit” E.Y. Mullins, The Axioms of Religion (1997 reprint, p. 123).

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