Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Whirlwind Summer

I decided to revisit my blog and I realized that it has been quite some time since I have made a post. I guess that preparing for a wedding, getting married, and adjusting to a new lifestyle took most of my attention! It's certainly worthy of it. I know it hasn't been a month yet, but I really do think I have the best wife ever! I say that with some trepidation because no matter what I say about marriage so far, more folks than I expected like to either insert predictions of doom and proscriptions of current naivety (unwittingly, they do this), or use it as a time to muse about "way back when" they were at such a place in life. It's like I can't say anything serious about marriage without it turning into a joke that truly is a joke but has a disturbing undercurrent to it-- or turning into a reflection session about the other person, which is fine, just odd. Of course, I'm thankful for those who continue to remind me of how great a blessing married life is and celebrate with me in the goodness and sacredness of this life together. It's imperfect, but just like the rest of life, out of bricks of imperfection come beautiful foundations and architectures the likes of which we've never dreamed.